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A large metal object apparently fell from an aircraft near the Maine State Capitol, narrowly missing a person walking outside

A Maine Capitol Police representative was saved Monday when a huge metal item obviously from an airplane collided with the ground outside the structure, barely missing him, authorities said.

"The 6-7 pound sleeve like item arrived at a high speed roughly 6-8 feet from Capitol Police Screener Craig Donahue who was strolling outside the entry," the state's public security office said in a news discharge.
Two others were nearby and saw the article fall around 12:30 p.m. close to the legislative hall working in Augusta
Legislative center Police informed the Augusta State Airport and the Federal Aviation Administration, as indicated by the delivery.

"The FAA has sent off an examination while endeavoring to find the wellspring of the part which is reasonable from a huge carrier on a global course," the news discharge said.
The FAA gave mindfulness warnings to flights that were over the region at the hour of the occurrence, authorities said in the news discharge.
